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February 02, 2005


Little Pope Pete

On first reading Kerouac, we learned of the difference between `cool' and `commercial.' The one was Bird and Diz and Slim Gaillard, the other was figured in George Shearing, who ran from his livid sweaty bebop days into slick market-driven Latin Jazz, gigs with Peggy Lee at Basin Street East, or Brubach with a cover of Jazz Red Hot and Cool which was actually a Revlon ad.

Is this still it? Do I have the numbers right?

Little Pope Pete

Very Freudian typo, as which ain't? I meant "Brubeck" and wrote "Brubach" which conmingles with Bach. Brubeck and his hornguy Paul Desmond were known for "Bach-like counterpoint." I read that in liner notes forty some-odd years ago and it leaps back come some dawn like last night's pattymelt from Denny's.

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