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March 27, 2004


hyland baron

this i can tell you:

1. alfred knoll officially resigned about a year ago.

2. deborah blue & henry royal stopped attending meetings over a year ago. i believe that they officially resigned, as well.

3. slobodan is god's second cousin. no, god is slobodan's second cousin. despite this, slobodan has resigned or will be resigning shortly. long live the artship.

4. city clerk's website lists the meeting time as 7:00-9:00pm. everyone who is anyone can tell you that the commission meets from 5:30-7:30pm. on the third monday of the month. unless it's a holiday, in which case the city clerk's office springs for beer and we all take a roadtrip to marine world africa usa.

hyland baron

i don't want to spammers to get to me; this old address the bastards can have.

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